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Wednesday, 15 August 2018

SUGAR – The Slow Poison

I dedicate this post to my Mentor Professor John Yudkin, who was the first one to reveal the truth about Sugar thru his book titled “Pure, White and Deadly”

Sucrose is commonly known as Sugar. Sucrose is a combination of glucose and fructose therefore, Sugar =  50% Glucose + 50% Fructose

Glucose and fructose are simple sugar molecules (monosaccharide) when both combine it becomes Sucrose or Sugar (disaccharide). Fructose commonly known as ‘fruit sugar', is found naturally in fruits.

Glucose (C6H12O6 ), fructose (C6H12O6 ) and Sugar(C12H22O11 ), may taste similar but are actually quite different by their molecules. Even though the chemical formula of glucose and fructose are same, Fructose is sweeter than glucose and it’s cheaper than glucose. Hence, widely used in processed food industry.

Sugar doesn’t have any nutritional value and considered to be 'empty' or Junk calorie. Sugar is the root cause of all metabolic disorders. Sugar triggers the hunger and craved us for more food. Recent animal research data reveals that, when sugar fed to animals it is found that it triggers cravings and withdrawal behaviors similar to those found with drug addiction. 

Glucose digested quickly and easily by our body. Hence, it’s a quick energy source for us. Since it’s digested very easily and absorbed by the blood stream can trigger the roller-coaster effect in the blood sugar level, which is not normal and not good for us. (refer: Diabetic, obesity, Normal vs Abnormal) the blood sugar crash lead to the craving and spike causing  organ damage in the long run. (Human vs Food)

Unlike glucose, fructose under goes the complex digestion process. Fructose is primarily metabolized in the liver and stored as body fat. Excess fructose consumption will lead to the cascade of metabolic problems like type 2 diabetes, and obesity, increased blood lipid levels (cholesterol and triglycerides), fatty liver disease, systemic inflammation.

Therefore, the Sugar (glucose and fructose combination) becomes deadly for us. Its acts as slow poison. Unfortunately, all the processed food / Bakery stuff’s and fruit juices are very rich in fructose as they are cheap, sweeter and have long shelf life. 

Fructose is linked with high cholesterol level, Inflammation, diabetes, this three way combination is the root cause for cardiovascular disease and kidney failure. Compared to the fructose, glucose may be less malefic to metabolic syndrome.

Fructose also linked to increase in uric acid in blood stream, fructose is associated with increased abdominal obesity, fatty liver, abnormal blood lipids and insulin resistance.

Glucose causes the raise of blood glucose levels most rapidly than fructose and lead to increase in insulin secretion (additional load to beta cells in the pancreases and also causes the insulin resistance) later the blood sugar crash. Whereas fructose will have the least effect on glucose but, it will raise triglyceride levels.

Glucose found in cereals, grains, vegetables, legumes, fruits and pasta, bread. Fructose or 'fruit sugar' found in fruit, honey, some vegetables, soft drinks and all processed food like cereal, ice cream, baked desserts and favored yogurt)

Click on the image to enlarge 
Considering the above, I insist to restrict the carbohydrates to less that 50g per day because, at the end carbohydrates are and broken down into simple sugar thru the digestion process. Also, pay attention on the carbohydrate source. Choose carbs from vegetables (above ground) sources / seeds.  As they are bundled with fibers and other nutrition’s, the sugar absorbers tardily. Hence, no blood sugar roller-coaster.

Whereas, the Cereals, grains (rice, wheat, corn) are processed and refined. These refined carbohydrates digested and absorbers rapidly and interrupt the stability of blood sugar level. On the other hand, Fructose rich fruits and added sugar can trigger the unstable blood sugar and stored as body fat.

HFLC encourages to consume moderate amount of seasonal fruits as whole (along with its fiber, not as a juice) because, eating one whole orange or apple and one glass of fresh orange or apple juice will have different effect on the blood sugar reading. However, consuming more fruit or combining the fruit with other carb sources may elevate the blood sugar to toxic level.

Click on the image to enlarge 

High blood glucose is very toxic not only to the cells, tissues, and organs, also toxic to the blood itself. Researches proved that, high blood sugar is the root cause for micro and macro vascular damage and inflammation, can lead to Cardio vascular diseases, Kidney failure, diabetic nephropathy, retinopathy, erectile dysfunction to the male. Please note these all may not happen overnight but, for sure over the period of time. Therefore, it’s more worthy to call SUGAR as the “Slow Poison”

I would consider, anything above 120 mg/dL or 6.6 mmol /L of blood glucose is toxic and the organ damage begins at 140mg/dL7.8  mmol/L. Safer range (<120 mg/dL or 6.6 mmol /L ) possible or can be achieved ONLY thru HFLC life style.

Click on the image to enlarge 

Avoid the sugar in any form direct or indirect. Pay attention on the food label, because the slow poison (sugar) hidden at the “healthy food” that you consider! Like, all breakfast cereals, flavored yogurt, fruit juices, whole grain bread, pasta and salad dressings, etc.

Processed food industry cleverly hide the sugar in their products by other names. Avoid, anything that end with “OSE” (glucose, sucrose, maltose, fructose, etc.) Also, High-fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, molasses, starch, maple syrup and honey.

And say, YES to good fats (Saturated, Mono saturated and Omega 3) and consume moderate amount of protein (from Animal source, Not from plant source) and very minimal of carbohydrate for healthy life.

Click on the image to enlarge 

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Fatty liver

After Obesity and Diabetics, Fatty liver becomes the third epidemic across the globe.

There are two kind of fatty liver condition. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD). Needless to say alcoholic fatty liver disease caused by the consumption of alcohol. NAFLD caused by excess consumption of carbohydrates. Fatty liver itself a serious health condition also can lead to many other health hazard.

This post focus only on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Before getting into the subject, lets understand little bit of liver and its function.

Liver is on the right side of the abdomen, behind the rib-cage. It rests just below the diaphragm, to the right of the stomach and overlies the gallbladder.  Live is a dark reddish-brown in color.

Liver is heaviest and the second-largest organ in the body. Also, the largest gland. It primarily made up of a specialized cells called hepatocytes.  Though the liver performs more than hundred different functions, the major ones are

                    The liver plays a central role in all metabolic processes in the body.
                     Processing macro nutrients Fat (fatty acids), Protein (amino acids) and Carbs (glucose and fructose)
        Storing and releasing of vitamins and minerals, as and when needed
                    Synthesizes bile acid to digest fat
                    Detoxifying and metabolizing medications, alcohol, and other chemicals
                    With the help of vitamin K, liver synthesizes a special / important proteins needed in the bloodstream, such as albumin and clotting factors
                    Enzyme activation and Excretion of bilirubin, cholesterol, hormones, and drugs.

It is okay to have a very small amount of fat within the hepatocytes, In fact it’s quite normal. But, when the accumulation of fat exceeds the normal, it becomes a disease. If more than 5% of the liver's hepatocytes are made up of triglycerides (Fat), then it a condition known as hepatic steatosis.

Hepatic steatosis is the earliest stage of NAFLD. The disease can progress slowly from simple non-alcoholic steatosis (NAS) to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and subsequently to hepatic fibrosis, cirrhosis of liver and hepatoma. {End-stage liver disease known as cirrhosis, wherein damaged liver cells die off and are replaced by scar tissue that impairs function that can lead to liver failure or liver cancer (hepatoma)}

Fatty liver disease often isn't diagnosed until it become the more serious condition non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which is characterized by inflammation and liver cell damage.  High triglycerides and elevations of the liver enzymes (ALT, AST, GGT) in the blood are the good indicators to diagnose NAFLD. Can be confirmed with ultrasound / CT scan. If required by biopsy.

It is not that all people who have NAFLD end up with severe liver disease. But, the chances to become NASH is pretty high. Also, excess fat in the liver is metabolically unhealthy and it not only affects the function of liver, also increases the risk of metabolic disorders, heart disease, kidney disease, and type 2 diabetes.
As the epidemic of NAFLD is mainly related to insulin resistance, Obesity is an important factor for an insulin resistance and insulin resistance is the one of the reason for metabolic disorder like Diabetics.

Excess fat accumulation in abdominal, central obesity or visceral obesity causes low-grade inflammation. Which caused by insulin resistance. It's estimated that 90% of obese adults have NAFLD and the childhood obesity epidemic has led to a dramatic increase in fatty liver condition in <16 age group.

Is it possible to reverse the fatty liver condition? Yes !  If it’s alcoholic fatty liver, quit alcohol (in any form) and switch to HFLC.  if it’s Non- alcoholic fatty liver, just switch to HFLC life style.

HFLC is nothing but cutting down, the all kinds of refined carbs, sugar, restricting the consumption of carbs that include grains /cereals.  Yes, by cutting down the carbs and meeting the daily calorie need from fat with adequate amount of protein, one can reverse non-alcoholic fatty liver condition to healthy liver condition.

HFLC not only helping you to reversing of non-alcoholic fatty liver, Also helps to reverse  Obesitytype 2 diabetes  and minimize the risk of heart / kidney disease. Again, HFLC  life assures the healthy liver and efficient liver function. 

Overcome the condition of fatty liver by eating fat (saturated)!
References:  (Click on the image to enlarge)

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