An E-mai
query : Cereals and grains why should we
avoid ? Just because of Carb’s ? If yes, these are not simple carbs to spike
the blood sugar, they are complex carb group which doesn’t spike the blood
general HFLC diet (life style) the cereals and grains were not allowed. (if you
know to calculate precisely the carbs consumption then you may consume without
violating the limits. Don’t worry will write a separate post on carb
calculation) because, of three reasons.
Carbs, Phytic acid and Gluten.
Phytic acid: Phytic acid (phytate) found in Cereals, grains, nuts, edible seeds and legumes (beans). Roots, tubers, and other vegetables may also contain phytic acid, but much lower amount compared to cereals, grains, seeds and legumes. Plants stores phytic acid in the form of phosphorus in the seeds because as they are an energy source for the sprouting seed.
problem with phytic acid is, it impairs the absorption of iron, zinc and
calcium, which causes mineral deficiencies. High phytic acid food is the one of
the most common cause of Iron deficiency.
Also, phytic acid, reduces the production of digestive enzymes and the
digestibility of starches, proteins, and fats.
acid content can be dramatically reduced, by soaking, sprouting, fermenting,
boiling, heating processes. However, it’s better to avoid high phytic acid
content food like cereals, grains, nuts, edible seeds and legumes.
Gluten: gluten is the
proteins (glutenin and gliadin) found in cereal grains, especially in wheat, Barley, spelt and Rye. When gluten is mixed with
water, it acts as a glue (elastic texture of dough) that holds food together
and helps to maintain the shape. Consuming gluten may lead to gluten allergy,
gluten intolerance and gluten sensitivity.
is the cause of celiac disease. It’s an autoimmune disorder, meaning our body
think gluten is a foreign invader and the immune system start to attack the
gluten, as well as the lining of the gut. The common symptoms of celiac disease
are digestive discomfort, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, tissue damage in the
intestines, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, headache, and tiredness.
Damage in the lining of the gut prevents the absorption of nutrients from food. Also, there is a strong link between gallbladder health and celiac disease. Failing gallbladder may be the first symptom of celiac disease. Further, gluten also causes the inflammation.
The present wheat is totally different from the ancient wheats varieties like Emmer, Einkorn and Kamut. After the green revolution, the “modern wheat” or hybridized (GMO) version wheat developed to withstand against insects, draught resistant, cold, heat and to yield more gains, changed the nutrient and protein composition of the plant and causes immune reactions in the body.
These are the typical autoimmune diseases other than Celiac may cause by gluten : Diabetes type 1, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Sjogrens Disease, Alopecia Areata, Liver disease-autoimmune, SLE, RA, Fibromyalgia, MS, Dental enamel defects and Raynaud's syndrome
The most common dietary sources of gluten are wheat,
spelt, rye, barley, bread, pasta, cereals and baked goods.
Finally the Carbs : The whole
gain is a mix of simple and complex carbs with fibers and other nutrition’s,
meaning grinding the grain as whole, using traditional stone grinders. This may
not be true with the flour grained by modern machinery or refined flour. Where
the outer of the wheat kernel called bran completely removed and the second
layer and the germ of the kernel is processed.
Which contain more of carb’s, which includes simple, short-chain
carbohydrates (FODMAP) and complex carb’s.
These combination of Carb’s makes the situation even worse. It may not spike the insulin as simple sugar. But, it maintain the blood sugar close to higher normal range for long period (due to slow release of blood sugar) and leads to continuous insulin secretion also for longer duration, Which prevent the fat burning (using fat as fuel) process and continue to store fat.
So the bottom line is that, Cereals, grains and legumes are rich in phytic acid which impairs the absorption of minerals. Gluten present in cereals and grains causes the auto immune diseases and Complex carb’s also raises the blood sugar and maintains at higher normal range for longer period which enables the fat storage and prevent the glucagon secretion. Refer Diabetes Mellitus post graph Image for Insulin-glucagon balance.